I've always heard people talking about how Nigeria owes a crazy amount of money to different countries and organizations. The numbers seemed unbelievable, and I wondered if they were just made up. But as I dug deeper, I realized that these figures were actually mind-boggling and very real.
Inspired by the amazing work of Raconteur, I dived into Nigeria's debt situation head-on. My goal was to understand the extent of our debt and shine a light on the creditors. Armed with the latest data from the Debt Management Office Nigeria, I carefully gathered and analyzed the information. I made sure the data was accurate and reliable so that I could paint a clear picture of Nigeria's debt profile.
As I brought the visualization to life, a story emerged. It became clear that Nigeria's debt has been steadily climbing since 2017, and it has now reached a total of over 46 trillion Naira ($103 billion). This massive debt represents more than 23% of Nigeria's GDP.
With the visualization in hand, I sought to captivate viewers and help them grasp the magnitude of Nigeria's debt predicament. The Sankey chart shows the flow of debt from the debt type to the categories the creditors belong and lists out the individual creditors.
I hope that the visualization will help people understand the scale of Nigeria's debt problem. It's important to have these conversations so that we can find ways to manage the debt and build a more prosperous future for Nigeria.
This infographic was showcased on the Instagram account of the widely renowned Data Visualization Society