After the Nigerian government's removal of fuel subsidies, I became intrigued to explore the global landscape of fuel costs and where Nigeria stands among other nations and decided to visualize the price per fuel litre of each country.
I found the data I needed on global fuel prices websites. While the data only consisted of two columns, the country and the price, I knew I wanted to analyse prices based on regions as well. So I found the country and region dataset on Kaggle and joined the two tables using the VLOOKUP formula saving me a lot of time if I had had to perform this manually. Cleaning the data was important as some discrepancies in the names of the countries caused some of the regions to not appear correctly.
In my exploration of the data, I unearthed several fascinating insights. Firstly, It was fascinating to discover that Nigeria is part of an exclusive group of 36 countries where petrol is sold for under a dollar. According to reliable rankings from Wikipedia, Nigeria holds the 15th spot in terms of daily oil production. Moreover, considering global petrol prices, Nigeria's per-litre price of $0.55 places it in the 13th position in terms of affordability.
I used Flourish online tool to visualize the prices on the map and proceeded to edit and colour it in Adobe Illustrator. 
Through this exploration, I discovered that petrol prices may appear wallet-friendly at first glance. However, underlying economic struggles often present a different narrative. The data invites us to take a virtual tour of petrol prices around the globe, gaining a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding this issue.

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